Blog Posts

How Video Games Fuel My Creativity
I’ve enjoyed playing video games ever since I got my first Gameboy Color and Pokemon Red. For my birthday one year I received a Playstation 2 as a gift and no exaggeration, it ended up changing my life. Beyond my rounds of playing Spyro and Crash Bandicoot, I eventually played […]

(Long-Awaited) Updates to the Trove!
Oh hai Internet! It’s been awhile, probably far too long, since I updated The Trove. I have proudly made the latest update just earlier today, with more regularly (hopefully monthly) updates planned for the future. I hope to also restart the biweekly SpecFic Digest, a quick overview of cool resources […]

A New Year, A New Zed
Long time, no see! Want to know about my long hiatus 2017 and why 2018 will be different? Check out my most recent blog post.

The Trove 2.0 Has Arrived
Hey there Stellar Creators, As you may or may not remember, The Trove was a mini-directory of resources for fantasy, science fiction, and horror authors that I housed on this site. But it’s a new year, so after rearranging and reorganzing I decided to do something a little more epic. […]

Welcome to a Spectacular Year!
Hey there awesome people, Long time, no see! I’ve heard 2016 described as a disaster by plenty of folks. This was certainly the case for me for most of the year. I kinda dropped off the map for awhile due to some stumbling blocks from that trainwreck of a year. […]

On Writing Spectacular Fiction
Writing speculative fiction, which broadly encompasses the fantasy, science fiction, and horror genres, comes with its own unique set of challenges not present in writing other genres. Now Write!: Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror is a guide to creating spectacular fiction filled with the knowledge and advice of speculative fiction authors […]

The Definitive Guide to Building Your World
Create your own stellar setting for your science-fiction or fantasy story with these posts.

Refill Your Creative Well with “Wonderbook”
Wonderbook by Jeff VanderMeer: a beautiful, practical, and inspirational gem of a book.

Bringin’ SocialBack: Using Social Media without Killing Your Writing Time
You’ve probably heard the commonplace advice on how creating a presence on social media can help you build your author platform. The problem is that it’s all too easy to logon to your favorite social media site of choice and find that you’ve spent far too much time than you had intended, possibly […]

How to Edit: Tips and Tools for Polishing Your Work
Ah, editing – because no first draft can ever be perfect. Despite the challenges involved in this stage of the writing process, editing can be an enjoyable part of the writing process. After all, this is when you get the chance polish your rough draft into a form that approaches your […]