Self-Publishing Boot Camp by Carla King

Do you have questions on the self-publishing process? Self-Publishing Boot Camp by Carla King has your answers.

Self-Publishing Boot Camp by Carla King

Self-Publishing Boot Camp is an essential piece of reading for any author who wishes to self-publish. This is the kind of book that you’ll want to read with a pen and paper handy – you’ll probably want to take notes on as many of the tips as you can. King covers the full gamut of the process of self-publishing and provides concrete advice and resources for every step.

King runs through different avenues for self-publishing, so whether you’re solely planning to self-publish an e-book or a print book (or a combination of the two), you’ll find tips for both. She also provides advice for the more technical aspects of creating an author website, marketing on the web and in person, and guidance on improving SEO.

King also includes the names of some useful apps, programs, and websites that could help you utilize the information she gives. For example, do you want to create an RSS Feed? Feedburner can help with that. Or need help setting up a newsletter? Check out MailChimp.

I think one of the most helpful pieces of advice I gained from this book was how to build my author brand, and to make sure that all parts of my website, work, and media all contribute to this brand. Further, she also suggests creating a mission statement to keep you grounded throughout the process.

For a helpful guide to self-publishing, be sure to check out Self-Publishing Boot Camp.

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