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So what’s this all about?

Spectacular Fiction! is a collection of free and premium resources for fellow speculative authors and a celebration of our love for the genre in all media.

But what is “Speculative Fiction” you might ask? According to, Speculative Fiction is:

a broad literary genre encompassing any fiction with supernatural, fantastical, or futuristic elements

I like to think of “Speculative Fiction” as a broad term that covers the fantasy, science-fiction, and horror genres.

Two distinct experiences led to the creation of this website:

1. A time when a fellow writing friend made snide remarks about my genre after we had both won awards in a writing contest (he in the literary category, and I in the science-fiction and fantasy category.)

2. A quote from author Domino Finn: “If Domino could shout one message to the world, it would be that it’s okay to take fantasy seriously.”


How can I get started?

Who are you?

I’m Zed Amadeo, indie fantasy and horror author who’s finally turning my lifelong writing dreams into reality and librarian/curator of this here site. You can read more about me and my work at my website.

I write spectacular fiction too!

Awesome! Let’s collaborate. Or if you’ve got an awesome resource to recommend, please share!