DarkFuse: Dark Fiction for the Masses 

Are you a fan of horror and dark fiction? Check out DarkFuse, an independent publisher of delectable dark fiction.

I stumbled upon DarkFuse after reading Brian Hodge’s Whom The Gods Would Destroy, a well-written, intriguing Lovecraftian horror tale. Turns out that DarkFuse has a fairly extensive backlog of books in my some of my favorite genres. If you’re a particularly huge fan of their work, you can purchase a membership to their Kindle Book Club and receive a Kindle book each month. Stay updated on their newest releases and special deals by subscribing to the DarkFuse newsletter.  It’s free, and you just might find that new work of dark fiction that you never knew was missing from your life.


DarkFuse: the premier publisher of dark fiction

Source: DarkFuse: Publisher of Dark Fiction | Horror, Crime, Sci-Fi, Suspense, Thriller

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